welcome to meridians

"Oh, Lord, let me feel at one with myself. Let me perform a thousand daily tasks with love, but let every one spring from a greater central core of devotion and love." (Etty Hillesum)

where I spend my time & attention

  • rewilding & establishing communion with nature
  • contemplative practices such as gratitude, meditation, prayer, self-inquiry, mindful presence in ordinary living, embodied movement, spontaneous fascial unwinding, noticing & noting
  • writing, short- and long-form, as well as poetry as a practice to learn metaphor
  • using egoscue postural alignment therapy to reduce chronic illness & pain, and as a replacement for other moving practices such as yoga & tai chi
  • re-learning how to walk without pain
  • unwinding from conditioning & past trauma, and restoring wholeness
  • nature & wildlife photography and videos
  • imagining a world where cPTSD sufferers & addicts heal with minimal psychiatric & psychological system interference.
  • writing a memoir of healing & hope
  • reading books

about me

my name is Shannon. I live in rural Ontario, Canada on 7 acres with my partner V and our 4 cats: Cardigan, Friendly, Rusty & Clover. We've lived here ~22 years, and only in the past 4 have started to rewild our property & I have become a naturalist, which just means I spent a lot of time observing and learning about the natural world.

to find out more, follow me on twitter @meridians_

or email me at shannon at poetic dot com